Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering,
Faculty of Science and Engineering , Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo Japan
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering,1987 B.E.
Science and Engineering, AoyamaGakuin University, Tokyo Japan
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering,
Science and Engineering, AoyamaGakuin University, Tokyo Japan
Associate Professor, Department of Image Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,1997-2002
Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics, Tokyo, Japan
Assistant Professor, Department of Image Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,1993-1997
Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics, Tokyo, Japan
Assistant, Department of IImage Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics, Tokyo, Japan
Solar cell test research lab., Kanto Office, Japan Measurement and Inspection(JMI), Tokyo, Japan
Assistant, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo Japan